Students in our digital-first Journalism program become more than just great writers. Through rigorous coursework and real-world experience at internships, you’ll learn how to gather news, report current events in an ethical manner on digital, print and electronic platforms.
Degree Requirements
To read more about our academic offerings, or to view full course descriptions, please refer to our University Catalog.
Student Learning Outcomes
Journalism has traditionally been a professional program that trains students in the professional standards required of a journalist at an entry-level position in the news media industries. Our program thus prepares students who, upon graduation, will be able to demonstrate:
- Strong news judgment and ethical news gathering and reporting.
- Knowledge of news media industries.
- An understanding of news media history and journalistic practices.
- The ability to report and write according to the standards of the news profession.
- The ability to record and edit audio-video content for online publication.
- The ability to report on digital media platforms.
- An understanding of media theory.
- Innovative thinking in the application of critical and analytical skills in news production.
A statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Journalism program encourages students to report and craft news narratives that are representative of diverse practices, anti-racist, and inclusive of multicultural perspectives and experiences. In our newsroom and community engaged learning practices, we intentionally promote equity and accessibility in support of minoritized and first-generation students, and those whose lives are impacted by disabilities.
Internship and Employment Opportunities
- CBS News
- Comcast Sports Net
- East Bay Newspapers
- Gatehouse Media
- Hill Newspaper
- International Tennis Hall of Fame
- MTV Networks
- New England Sports Network
- New York Daily News
- Newport Daily News
- Newport Mercury
- Providence Bruins
- Rhode Island International Film Festival
- Rhode Island Monthly
- Rhode Island Save the Bay
- Rhode Show
- Tall Ship Oliver Hazard Perry
- Waterfire
- WPRI Channel 12
Clubs & Organizations
American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) is the oldest and largest professional membership organization for design and is now known simply as “AIGA, the professional association for design.”
Graphic Design Club is focused on the art of Graphic Design as well as visiting design firms and hosting speakers to discuss topics pertaining to this field.
Lambda Pi Eta, Alpha Gamma Ro is the National Communication Association's official Honor Society, This honor society recognizes, fosters, and rewards outstanding scholastic achievement while stimulating interest in the communication discipline.
Phi Beta Delta, Epsilon Rho Phi Beta Delta is the honor society for those engaged in International, Intercultural and Global scholarship, be they student, faculty or staff. The organization is unique on campus as the only honor society whose welcomes members from all parts of the University Community. Epsilon Rho, the Roger Williams University chapter of Phi Beta Delta, was formed in 2006. In May 2008, it held its first awarding of Honors Cords to graduating seniors at the University’s awards banquet.
Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is the foremost organization for students interested in public relations and communications. We seek to advance the public relations profession by nurturing generations of future professionals. We advocate rigorous academic standards for public relations education, the highest ethical principles and diversity in the profession.
The Society for Professional Journalists (SPJ) at Roger Williams University is the only student chapter in Rhode Island proper. Our Journalism students have won national awards from SPJ for their streaming coverage of the 2012 National and local elections.

Embodying a Reporter
Chelsea Boulrisse, RWU Class of 2016When Chelsea Boulrisse landed a job in Wabash, Indiana as a reporter, she knew her first months would be spent establishing herself as a trusted journalist in the community. With her comprehensive degree from RWU, Chelsea did just that.
Read full storyAdditional Stories
Q&A with a Journalism Alumna: Learning the Necessary Tools
Stephanie Ressler, RWU Class of 2016
Stephanie Ressler talked to us recently about how her experience at RWU and how she's applying the skills she learned in the Journalism program.
Reaching a Childhood Dream
Amanda Keane, RWU Class of 2015
Ever since she was a child, Amanda Keane knew one thing about her career: she wanted to be on TV. After graduating from RWU's journalism program and working for the last two years as an on-air reporter, Keane got her wish, and so much more.
Juris Doctor/Bachelor's 3+3 Accelerated Program (J.D.)
Earn your bachelor’s and juris doctor degrees in six years through RWU’s Three-Plus-Three Law program. You’ll get a jump-start on your J.D. by integrating law courses into your undergraduate studies and completing undergraduate requirements in your first year of law school. Accepted students will take first-year courses in the School of Law along with legal electives to fulfill undergraduate fourth-year requirements. Interested students must indicate their intent to pursue a 3+3 pathway early in their undergraduate studies for curriculum planning and advising.